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  • By intesolsdev
  • October 7, 2015
  • 0 Comment

Some popular drinks are not a friend for good oral health.

Are you aware that consuming “sports”drinks can pose the same oral health risks as those from consuming drinks in the group commonly referred to as “soft” drinks?
If you are were not aware of that situation do not be surprised because a study by the Australian Dental Association found 50%of the participant did not realize sports drinks can cause damage to teeth.

The reason why both sports drinks and soft drinks can be risk to your oral health is that they contain acids and sugar which are contributors to acceleration of tooth decay. Whilst saliva is your body’s natural defence to tooth decay,if your teeth are too often exposed to the acids and sugars found in sports drinks and soft drinks your saliva will not have enough time to do its repair work.

Generally the oral health of Australian has started to deteriorate leading to higher level of tooth decay. Increased consumption of sports drinks and soft drinks combined with increased consumption of bottled water [which does not contain Fluoride] are all avoidable contributing factors to that situation.

To help reduce the risk to your oral health the Australian Dental Association suggested to:

  1. Drink tap water as it contains no acids or sugar but does contain that great tooth protector ,Fluoride . And the quality of Melbourne”s tap water is amongst the best in the world.
  2. Reduce the volume of sports drinks and soft drinks which are consumed over long periods.
  3. Use fluoridated toothpaste to brush your teeth and do so twice a day and floss your teeth once a day.
  4. Chew sugar free gum. Doing so will stimulate your flow of saliva and that help protect your teeth.
  5. Visit your dentist regularly.

Contact Dr. Leila Zamani for your any emergency dental needs.

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